This article doesn't cover security other than to note the issues involved and some of the techniques available. 除了提及所涉及的问题和某些可用的技术之外,本文将不讨论安全性。
For simplicity reasons, we do not cover such a script here, but note that such an agent would need to be referenced in the workflow application document in the NDERP Web Services application. 为简单起见,我们不在这里讨论代理的脚本,但要注意,必须在NDERPWebServices应用程序中的工作流应用程序文档中引用代理。
I was able to type 82 words a minute on the Surface Pro Type cover and the Galaxy Note Pro's keyboard cover, slightly down from my usual 92 words a minute. 我在SurfacePro和GalaxyNotePro的键盘盖上一分钟可以敲82个单词,略少于我平时一分钟敲的92个单词。
If a customer subsequently complains about noise coming from the rear window cover, note the following procedure and carry it out if necessary. 如果客户不断投诉后窗罩发出噪音,请注意以下步骤并在必要时执行以下步骤。
It works like this. While the policy is being prepared, the broker sends us a cover note. 是这样的。当在起草保险条款时,经纪人给我们一份保险通知。
Then get someone with a piece of card to cover up the note ( s) you are about to play by moving the card along the score. 然后要一个人拿着一张卡片,顺着乐谱移动,盖住你将要弹奏的音符。
A cover note is a form of interim insurance that covers the insured for a short length of time. 承保通知书是为投保人在短时间内提供保险的一种临时性保单。
Under cover of a note by the secretary-general; 秘书长附上一份送文说明;